Optimal Health in the 21st Century

Optimal Health in the 21st Century

Aging in the 21st Century: Challenge or Opportunity

What is Driving The Anti Aging Phenomenon?

AntiAging Medicine lies at the conjunction of 2 powerful forces.

Baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are divided into two waves — a leading wave that has always been very socially involved and a trailing wave that always wants everything — now. The entire population numbers in excess of 76 million in North America.

The first wave is now beginning to turn 50 (hitting the wall) at the phenomenal rate of 1 every 18 seconds and will continue to do so for the next 20 years. Refer to the seminal work by Ken Dychtwald published in 1986 entitled Age Wave, later followed by Age Power..

Baby boomers have and will continue to represent a significant economic force in American society. They do not want to grow old.  They will continue to seek out remedies and trends that will keep themselves young, vibrant and potent. Witness the rapid success of Viagra and 24 hour Nautilus Gyms.  read on …